Term Insurance

Is the most affordable type of life insurance and is used to provide coverage for a specific need, such as income protection, covering debt or providing for your child's education.

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This is the type of life insurance that provides coverage for a specific period of time, or “term”



If you die during the term, the death benefit will be paid to your beneficiaries. However, If you survive the term, the coverage will expire with no value.

You need Term Insurance if...


Have dependents

Or other who realy on their income, such a spouse or children


Have significant debt

Such as a mortgage, that would be difficult for their loved ones to pay off in the event of their death


Have short-term financial goals

Such as saving for their children's education or paying off their own students loans, may also benefit from term insurance


Wants to provide financial protection

For their loved ones in case of their unexpected death can benefit from term insurance

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